About Us

Hi! I'm May! I’m the selenophile dreamer behind these whimsical prints!

Since I was a little girl, I would keep a growing chronicle of clips, images, quotes, and illustrations to capture the idyllic utopia that the world could be!

After studying architecture in university, I had the idea to merge my technical skills with my aesthetic to offer instant pieces of art that can be downloaded and framed by anyone anywhere in the world that reflects the whimsical and idyllic utopia we all deserve!

I live on the Eastern Seaboard in the United States with my family and our darling cat and sweetest puppy ever! I absolutely love to travel and have recently become very fond of visiting small towns around the USA and the world. I am so grateful for the wholesome communities everywhere that reflect the inherent good in all people.

Thank you for visiting with me, I hope you enjoy my little shop here and please know that I am available at your disposal should you have any queries.
